How to not be too preachy—and why that doesn't matter.

"Don't be too preachy with your writing, or it will scare readers away."
"Be careful adding God in your writing! It could scare readers away."
"Oh, don't name 'Jesus' specifically, just slip in 'God help me' every once in a while. That'll draw someone to Christ."
Do these sound familiar? Do they sound like thoughts you've had, lies you believed, or blog posts you thought were right?
Picture this: You're chained up in a dark room, all alone, unable to get free.
I'm here to take off your shackles with this Key I found: It's called Truth.
We, as Christians, are called to share this Key. You take this Key called Truth and go unshackle someone else. Tell them to do the same thing that I did for you, and that you did for them.
See a theme here?
This is what we do with Christianity.
If you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and rose again so that you could go to Heaven and live with Him, then you, my friend, have been unshackled.
Now take the Key and pass it on.
Don't hide it, don't be ashamed, don't be afraid that the shackled person won't want their chains off. Offer it anyway.
Put this Key in your writing. Share this Key through a text to an old friend. Sing about how to find this Key in a song. There are a thousand ways to pass the Key on, but do it! Truth isn't something you collect over the years and store in a closet to be forgotten, it's a light! It's a way to free yourself from the enemy's claws! So if you got free, if you have this Key, share it.
I believe Satan has slipped a lie into our Christian Writing industry.
'Be subtle with Christianity, or no one will read your book, and no one will get saved.'
But isn't that exactly like the devil?! Of course he doesn't want us freeing his prisoners with our Key! Those are his prisoners. Why would he want them free?
So he lies. He tells us to be quiet with our Key, while books that will chain people flourish.
Let me rephrase that.
He tells us to be subtle with Christianity while books written by witches about witches become best-sellers.
We shouldn't quietly let Satan take over the writing industry because we're too afraid that someone will steal our Key. Maybe it's about time someone stole it! The thief needs it more than we do!
Be bold with your Faith in Christ Jesus. Be bold with your writing. Dare to stick out a little uncomfortably. Share the Key.
Two years ago, I struggled to pass the key on. I believed all the lies I've written here. I told myself I had to be subtle, or non-Christians would never read my books and get saved.
But how do they get saved if I'm too afraid to show them how?
Picture a new image.
You hold this Key. This Key glows brighter than anything else in these dungeons full of dirty, shackled prisoners.
They come to you looking for light.
Don't hide it behind your back so they don't notice you're not like them.
Don't tuck it under your shirt so they don't look for the light.
Give it to them. Unshackle them all. Give them all the Key and tell them to go unshackle someone else.
That's how Christianity works. That's how being a Christian Writer works.
Don't be afraid to glow.
This is incredibly true, and something I struggle with in my own writing. Thank you for sharing!