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Smoke and Mirrors (52)


The Begninning


This story has been some places, hasn't it? It's not quite over yet, although I feel like I'm nearing the end of all the important stuff.

After Seraphina's death, I never saw Adrian again. I tried to find him—Sterling sent his own men out to look for him—but he was nowhere to be seen.

This confused me.

Adrian had the backing of his mother's soldiers, as well as the hearts of the people for ending the "tyrannical reign" of Queen Seraphina. So why wasn't he acting on it?

It had been a week since her death, and he'd simply vanished from the face of the Inside.

"You look cute when you're deep in thought." Sterling sat beside me on the bench in the mirror garden, then slowly—hesitantly—put an arm around my shoulder.

I flinched at first, but pushed away my fears of the past and leaned into him. The air smelled like rosemary and lavender, but I knew the scent came from a silver fern-like plant that crept around the edges of the garden.

He continued, "What are you thinking about?"

"Adrian. My aunt." I looked into his silver eyes. "Our kingdom."

"Mm, that has a nice ring to it." He kissed my temple. "I'm sorry about the other two thoughts."

My heart fluttered, but I shook my head. "No, I don't mean that in a good way, Sterling. I heard that. . . ever since my death, your kingdom has been falling apart."

He pursed his lips. "It was falling apart before your death too, I just didn't see the crumbling foundations then."

"What happened?"

"War. Pyronoth, under Adrian's command, declared war on us for teaming up with Seraphina. I spent a majority of my time trying to fortify the borders and strengthen the military in the battlefields, but when you pretended to die. . ." He trailed off, clenching his eyes shut and pulling me in closer to his side. "I couldn't take it anymore. Something in me shattered. I pulled my men off the battlefields, away from the borders, and focused solely on tracking down the Guardians."

I cradled his cheek in my hand, my eyebrows tight. "I didn't pretend—I really did die. The Fates knew that was about to happen and somehow brought me back to life, but they came up with a plan to make the Guardians think I really was dead." I dropped my hand and sighed. "But you had to think I was dead too. I'm sorry."

His eyes opened. "No, don't be. Your death made me realize something important; I had been trying to keep you at arm's length because of a stupid prophecy, and because of that, I almost lost you forever."

I grinned. "Aw, the moody emo-boy was afraid to lose me?"

He rolled his eyes, but a smile stained the corners of his mouth. "I know, crazy, right?"

I studied him for a moment. Captured the weight in his eyes with a memory. "Are we still at war?"

"The queen is dead now. They don't care about us anymore. What we need to focus on is rebuilding our cities and healing the people."

I nodded. "I think we can do that." I inhaled. "I've been thinking a lot about this hidden Talent. I think we should raise awareness about it, that way people who have it can realize how beautiful it is to be created this way. People can stop hiding."

As he processed the idea, his eyes took on a gleam of excitement. "That's not a bad idea at all. We could make school curricula for it, even." He grinned. "Parents won't have to fear their own children anymore, and the children will understand why they are the way they are."

"—And we can avoid situations like Seraphina's. She was the Guardians' prisoner because no one knew she was being held hostage."

"Let's do it. We'll hire the best writers. We'll immortalize the queen in our history books."

"I love you." I froze as soon as the words tumbled out of my mouth. I liked him, sure, but did I love him? Why did I say that?

Because, as much as we fought in the beginning, I had really grown to care for this man.

"Do you?" His words caught me off guard more than my own. "After everything I tried to do to you?"

I smiled. "I get it. My mom is similar to you in that way. Everything is a mind game. Everything has to be analyzed and calculated. But not everything in life is a mind game, okay? This is real. There’s nothing behind it; no double meanings or hidden agendas. This—is love. You messed up because you were scared. Well, I did too. We both mess up—but we're both human." I squinted at him. "Well, some of us." I shook my head. "The point is, neither of us are perfect. But I think we can put our past behind us and strive for a better future if you and I just work on growing—"

He cut me off with a kiss.

It didn't last long however because I pulled away and smacked his shoulder. "Don't you dare interrupt me when I'm being all deep and intellectual."

He grinned. "I love you too."


A lot was accomplished this month. We took down a lot of the Guardians' leaders, repaired homes and businesses damaged from the wars, designed a new curriculum for the hidden Talent, and even extended an offer of peace to Pyronoth. Of course, without Adrian popping up to answer it, it wasn't doing much, but still. The offer was there.

One thing we couldn't fix were the memories that were now burned into the minds of the people. Walking through the streets was heart-wrenching, because as I'd walk I'd notice people staring at reconstructed homes with glassy eyes. Advertisements for adopting orphans. Scorch marks on the pavement. Memorial markers on the edges of sidewalks.

But there was still hope. Hope that those battles would become not reminders of mistakes, but the start of freedom for the people. No longer would Talents be stripped away and given to the Guardians.

My dad—that feels so awesome to write— still didn't trust Sterling, but I hoped that would change as he got to know him more.

Mom. . . I really don't know what to say about her. I haven't seen her in a while. I quite honestly have no idea what she's doing with her life. My hope is that she'll come around in the end—maybe even reconcile with dad. That would be ideal.

Until then—

"What are you writing?" Sterling walked up behind me. I was seated at the desk in our bedroom, facing a window of moonlight.

I looked up at him and gave a cheeky smile. "I wanted to keep a journal of all the things we've accomplished."

He grinned, bent down and kissed my forehead. "Don't forget to add the baby in there."

My hand went to my stomach. "Of course. Sterling Junior is going to love reading this someday."

He cleared his throat and sat next to me on the floor. "I think you mean Princess Tessa."

I looked down at him from my chair and frowned. "It's going to be a boy. Girls are high maintenance."

He rolled his eyes. "You know full well you'll love her anyway, no matter what she is."

I sniffed and closed my journal. "Yeah, but I want her or him to have your eyes."

"And your hair."

"And legs. I don't think I could bear it if this kid has a tail, no offense."

He laughed. "I doubt that'll be a problem."

I sighed dramatically. "I suppose if I can handle you, I can handle any child we have."

He looked up at me with a grin.

And that was our story. I don't think of it as an end at all, but a beginning—one full of life, excitement, and newness.

And it all started with a necklace.


AHHHH GUYS THIS IS ITTTTTT!!! THE END (or Beginning, as Tessa would say) OF SMOKE AND MIRRORS!!!

Now, I know what you're thinking. How is it the end? Where is the complete takedown of the Guardians? Welllll.....

There's a book two. And also a prequel. The prequel will be told from Seraphina's view, and the sequel from Adrian's! So the story really isn't over. It's just beginning.

THANK YOU GUYS FOR STICKING WITH ME!!! I seriously apprciate all of the love I got from y'all!! Y'all were there when I battled writer's block. When busy schedules and life tried to take me down. When my Characters rebelled against the plot. All of it. So thank you. Thank you all.

Jesus loves you 💕💕💕



Apr 04, 2024

I can't wait for more!!!!!!! I literally had the biggest burst of happiness when I read about the baby!! If it's a girl, they should name her Silverlace after Sterling's sister. Unless it's possible to find her!


Lilly Tanis
Lilly Tanis
Nov 16, 2022

Oh my goodness gracious!!! I loved reading this book. It was an amazing and wild ride. Definitely not predictable and very engaging all the way through. And the ending I just loved. 💕💕

Lilly Tanis
Lilly Tanis
Dec 02, 2022
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Nov 12, 2022

Thank you for giving them a happy ending! I am sad to see this story end though. 😭~Lacey

Daisy Torres
Daisy Torres
Dec 01, 2022
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Aww thank you!! There's a book two I'm working on right now :))))


Grace Johnson
Grace Johnson
Nov 02, 2022






Grace Johnson
Grace Johnson
Nov 03, 2022
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YOU'RE WELCOME!!! YAYAYAY!!! Haha, I understand!! Best of luck, girl! If you ever need anything, just lemme know! <3


Greetings From The Planet Writing Daisies!

I am a Christian Teen writer who enjoys reading, art, bad puns, and music--especially Ukulele!

I started writing when I was nine years old. I told stories to my siblings daily, so it only made sense to take the next step up, and I love it! I hope you enjoy some of the things I've decided to share from my own experiences!

Jesus loves you <3

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